Don’t Fear Your Root Canal

A root canal is a form of endodontic therapy used to treat infected tooth pulp and nerves. Fear of root canals is common among dental patients, and can be so extreme that patients avoid root canals altogether, which can lead to tooth loss. If you’re feeling nervous about an upcoming root canal, our team at Mill Valley Dental highly encourages you to consider the following advice:

– Notify your dentist of your fear: If you’re feeling anxious about the procedure, your dentist needs to know. He or she can work with you and help you feel more comfortable.

– Organize your recovery process in advance: For a few days after the procedure, you may want to only eat soft food. Gathering necessary items in advance will ease the recovery process. We ask that you coordinate your ride home before the time of your appointment.

– Don’t take painkillers early: Your dental team will provide you with pain medication during your appointment to keep you comfortable. Numbing your mouth ahead of time will prevent you from explaining to the dentist where the pain is and how much it hurts.

– Speak up about your medication: To avoid adverse drug interactions, you should always let your dentist know before a procedure if you’re taking medication. If your medication doesn’t pair well with the anesthesia provided by your dentist, speak to your doctor about the possibility of altering your dose.

– Don’t drink alcohol before or after: Root canal therapy is easier for both you and your dental team if you are in a sober state of mind. Likewise, the recover process will be more comfortable if your body can focus on healing your mouth instead of fighting the effects of alcohol.

For more information, contact our office at 415-578-5879 to consult with Dr. Sohrab Saghezchi.

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Sohrab Saghezchi


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





